Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Turkey Week

Despite the cold and snow/rainy weather we made a trip to the park to show Quaid the ducks and geese. He thought it was pretty fun herding them around the park. We didnt' stay as long though given the terrible weather. Of course, two days earlier when it was 67 degrees, I was too busy to go.

Mikiya had her first Primary program today. She did very well. She even had her little part memorized and said it all by herself. Although, she did get a little uncomfortable with all those eyes on her and she got restless and started twirling during the songs. Quaid has never been so attentive in sacrament meeting. Personally, I think they should have youth on the program every week now. The only time he was squirmy was when I wouldn't let him get down to go sit with Mikiya on the stage.

Today after Church some friends invited over to their house for lunch. Typical meal with friends up until the point where Quaid and the host toddler decided to snack on the cat food. Suffice it to say I had gone downstairs to round up the kids to go home at a most opportune time. Megan did manage to keep her lunch down and I think Quaid got some extra calcium for strong teeth; so all and all a good afternoon.

Happy Thankgiving to all our friends and family! We consider ourselves blessed that many of our family are our best friends and many of our friends feel like family.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Whew, it has been awhiles since we have posted. The kids are growing and learning lots. Megan and Mikiya have their own pre-school now and Mikiya is making progress on her letter blends and handwriting. Quaid tries to do everything he sees Mikiya do. He has even started walking up the stairs by himself.

We had a fun visit last weekend from Grandma and Grandpa Walton for Megan's birthday. Although, Mikiya was sure that Kaelie was coming with them. This was a big one this year as Megan and Mom are now the same age. To celebrate Megan and Mom shopped together and Dad treated as all to a birthday dinner at Johnny Carino's.

Mikiya is really excited to go to Riley's house next week. The only time she has been to the place where Riley lives is when Heidi was blessed. So needless to say, she gave one of her now trademark "Really?!"'s when I told her that Riley does have a house and we get to go to it to see her new cousin, Maddie. She is also looking forward to going to Spencer's for Thanksgiving.