Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Fun

Over Memorial Day weekend, we made a trip to eastern Idaho to see grandparents. We spent the first half of the weekend in Sugar helping Grandma and Grandpa plant flowers and move some of the sprinklers that had become overgrown by the growing pine trees. Mikiya was great at adding the fertilizer water to the holes before the flowers were placed. Quaid simply enjoyed riding the lawn tractor or wagon and playing in the dirt. Mikiya's garden tools were conveniently being stored at Grandma's, so she used her own tools for the project. Mikiya also learned about bees and how they use tree blossoms to make honey. And of course, they had to swing and jump on the trampoline.

On Saturday evening we continued on to Island Park to spend the rest of the holiday with Grandma and Grandpa Walton and the Gardners at the cabin. The cousins enjoyed playing together. Mikiya and Kaelie started calling the upstairs kid room their "tree house". The only downside was that Rafe wasn't allowed to follow up the stairs. He was very persistent, even climbing over a large duffel bag that was intended to block the stairs.

On the way back, we visited some of the great grandparents. Quaid was happy to see he still fit in Grandma Belnap's doll chairs. He started out dragging it to the screen door. And then we decided to go outside, and both kids had a great time sitting right by the fountain dangling their hands in the cool water. They also had fun exploring the different paths and sections of Grandma's backyard.
Since getting out of school, we have had a trip to the zoo, a Primary activity at the temple, a movie with the Mountain Home cousins, a trip to the hospital to welcome Alonzo to the family, and a visit from Lloyd, Kristin and company; which meant finally meeting Madeline. She is one smiley little girl.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Mike graduated on May 16. We are so thankful that he's had this opportunity to go back to school. And now I'm even more thankful that he's finished. We had good seats for the ceremony which let us see Mike periodically. We are also very thankful to both our parents, Grandma and Grandpa Gallup, Rudy and Deanna, Wayne and Natalie, and Emily for coming to help us celebrate. The kids especially enjoyed getting to play with everyone at the park afterwards.

One of the speakers told a great story I would like to share. I don't remember all the details, but it was about a lady who had cancer and was going through chemo. When she got down to three hairs left, she said , "Oh! I think I'll braid my hair today." The next day it was only two hairs, "I think I'll part it down the middle today." And the Next day with only one hair, "I fix it in a pony tail today." Then the next day, when all of her hair was gone, she cheerfully spoke, "Hurray! I don't have to do my hair today!" You can pretty well take the message right out of that one. I was just touched and reminded that attitude effects a lot of things around you.

Mikiya got a kick out of putting on Dad's silly hat.

Quaid loved being packed around by Daddy!

To play Where's Waldo or rather Where's Mike and Quaid, follow this link to a Boise State slide show of the event.