Sunday, September 20, 2009

Country Bumpkins

At long last and after multiple road trips with the realtor, we found our first home. We are all very excited. Mike finally gets to stretch his landscape muscles (of course with the approval of the Architectural Committee). Megan has her bathtub, kitchen, and more than one room to decorate. Mikiya and Quaid love their rooms and having new space to play in. Probably the only people not excited about the recent move are the neighbors directly behind us as we have been staggering the purchase of the window coverings.

As you can see, we live in what most would call the country. This is the view from across our street. Our favorite part though is the rooster crowing and the sheep that jump over the fence to eat and then jump back. Quaid is often found sitting on his bed upstairs or at the living room window downstairs watching the animals.

Mikiya is continuing to adjust to going to school. She has decided that it is easier to ease into the day by having breakfast with Daddy at school and then she has been good to ride the bus home at the end of the day. Last Thursday was Family Game Night at school. She was very excited to take Quaid to her school and play games. She even had to have Megan call Mike at about 4:30 pm to make sure he was going to be home in time.

The biggest adjustment for us has been the new ward; more specifically sacrament meeting. To say the new ward skews to a younger age than what we are used to would be a wild understatement. It has become a new exercise in focus and concentration to follow the meeting. For example, Mikiya went from having a small class to two large classes just for her age group. Quaid has to find his nursery out of the three available. We think we will adjust. ;) Oh, and for those of you who have heard of 'Big Riley', she is in our ward also. And she is a little twig like Mikiya. However, she is taller than Mikiya's cousin, hence the reference.

Now that we are nearing the 100 day mark for new baby, we are actively searching for a new family car to accommodate the new little person. So anybody that has opinions whether for or against a particular car specific feature, we would love to hear them. For all the non-math majors, we are looking at the 7 or 8 passenger models.