I walk into the hall after church today, and Mikiya is grinning and holding something behind her back. When I get to her she excitedly pulls out a card and necklace she made in Primary, and hollers, "Happy Valentine's Day!" I thought it so cute and so sweet.
Mikiya is getting more and more excited about learning letters and how they work together. When we see something with words on it, she tells us all the letters. This morning she pointed out the letters on a cereal box to Mike, then ran her finger along the word and said, "box." She's definitely becoming an emergent reader.
Quiad no longer sits to do much of anything. I often find him pulling books and video cords off shelves, opening drawers, and pulling things out of cupboards. Even in the bath he prefers to stand and play with the facet and pull the shower thing. He is getting confident in standing while holding on with one hand, and has even braved letting go altogether. That results in falling, but it's another step in balance.
We are enjoying the warm weather and Mikiya loves getting to play outside every day. Quaid is even getting used to sitting on the slide, but still doesn't like to sit in the grass or bark.
We hope all you mother's have a happy day. We love you all.
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